Monday, May 17, 2010

The Rocketeer Artist's Edition

This is the cover to the new Rocketeer Artist's Edition book

This is the endpapers for the front part of the book.

This is the title page for the book

This is the credit page spread for the book

This is a sample page from the book

This was IDW's editor Scott Dunbier's dream project. This book contains the original artwork from the entire Rocketeer story shot at original size. That means the size of the book is 12" x 17." It is spectacular in it's enormity. The book weighs in at about 4 pounds. It is a hefty, beefy, masculine volume.

Even though the artwork is basically black and white, all the pages were scanned in color. Because of this, you can see all the blueline art that was part of the creation process. This is the closest you can come to looking at a Dave Steven's original without owning one. When it comes to illustration work, I'm kind of a process junkie. I love seeing all of the peliminary sketches and design that go into creating a page of art. These pages are certainly an eye opening experience. The detail that Dave puts into each panel can only be appreciated at it's actual size. It was almost like discovering his art for the first time. His ability to create atmosphere and character expression, along with the craftsmanship of inking with a brush really shines on these pages. This takes the idea of "funny books" to a whole new level. The stuff is really beautiful!

The book will be sold directly through IDW, so check out their website. I have a feeling this will sell out rather quickly, remember the Deluxe Edition of the Rocketeer? The price on it is $100.00, not really cheap, but certainly worth it for something as unique and beautiful as this.


  1. Thanks for the heads-up, Randy! What a SUPER-COOL project! AND a great looking cover -- as usual!

  2. Thanks guys, I seriously value your opinion. It really means a lot when you give me positive feed-back. I am stlll striving to reach the quality and consistancy of the great design work you've done. You have set the bar high!

  3. Randy,

    It's almost impossible to imagine this project being real. This book looks stunning! This book and the "Xenozoic" are just dreams come true. I really feel like you are in the zone on these projects. As an enormous Dave Stevens fan, I can't imagine anything more I could want from the look of this volume. Perfection!

  4. You are way too kind Shanth!

    The Rocketeer books were dream design projects. I love the 30s era of design, I did my research, and have several books (15) from that time period in my collection. I wanted to make sure that I paid tribute to Dave Stevens in the most honorable way. I want each book design project to be unique and represent the artist's work. It shouldn't be about me!

    It always bums me out when I see books about artists who's work I love, and the book design is terrible. Sorry... Rip Kirby collection, and Al Williamson's X-9. Unfortunately, these things are just cranked out with no regard to the individual style or aesthetic of the artist. Where is your pride, man! I always think what I could do with that material, and that's when I get that sick feeling in my stomach, because it ain't gonna happen.

    Sorry...I didn't mean to rant. It just happens to be something I'm very passionate about.

  5. AMEN!

    It's because you care about your craft, and thank goodness!

    That is the reason I respond to Criterion's work. Incredible material with immaculate design. That's what makes the projects you work on so fantastic, and I don't say this lightly, your design work is as strong as the work it accompanies.

    That's not just about having passion for these projects, that's about having the ability to back it up. Period.

    Well done, my friend. Keep it up!
